11 Best AI Writing Tools in 2023

During the past few years, the usage and efficacy of AI writing tools have increased. Having numerous capable software solutions saturating the marketplace and investing in a sector that was not present a few years prior, AI writing has moved beyond the experimental phase and has entered the mainstream.

It is vital to start your investigation as soon as possible to identify the greatest technologies upending the writing profession because AI writers and helpers are not going away. We’ll go over the top AI writing tools available and highlight their finest uses.

How AI Can Help Your Writing Workflows

AI writing tools offer a variety of solutions, which makes sense given the numerous forms of writing and writing tasks individuals deal with on a daily basis. For illustration: 

  • By producing top-notch material for advertising, descriptions of products, and sales copy, copywriting AI tools may support your marketing strategy.
  • There are several AI tools for rewriting previously published content, keeping your content current and interesting.
  • To assist in producing high-quality SEO content, SEO AI solutions might leverage Natural Language Processing (NPL) based on keywords. All of the top SEO solutions already incorporate AI to aid with more complex SEO procedures.
  • Software for the story and creative writing can swiftly provide original concepts and aid in the creation of illustrative content.
  • Additionally, there are proofreading AI systems (such as Grammarly) that provide plagiarism detection along with grammar and spelling checks to guarantee that text is suitable for publication.

Imagine you are in charge of creating or editing a variety of content kinds (PR, long-form, stories, advertising, and brand material). You’ll probably gain from having a variety of AI writing assistants in that situation. Let’s examine some of the best while keeping it in mind. 

The Best AI Writing Tools

Almost any writing task can be accelerated by AI. No of the kind of material you produce, by making the appropriate choice, you ought to be able to effortlessly enhance your editorial productivity. 

We conducted some objective research to present the top AI writing apps available right now. Consider using these AI writing tools to get rid of writer’s block and the stress associated with a blank page.

Rytr: AI Writing Tools

Rytr is a writing platform supported by AI that has one of the biggest market presences of all writing tools driven by AI. It is a powerful AI tool that is useful for all types of marketers. It includes use cases for developing product descriptions, blog writing templates, and copywriting frameworks. Utilizing this will change the way you write forever.

Rytr employs AI tools to swiftly and easily produce excellent content. Consumers can create content for many different purposes and sectors, such as marketing, eCommerce, and others. 

People without prior experience with AI writing (or writing! ) find it simple to get started because of the user-friendly interface. Additionally, Rytr Chat was introduced, which enables human authors to create prompt-based commands that produce precise information that is easily integrated into its long-form editor. 

Key Features of Rytr: 

  • 40+ templates and use cases that do not require the creation of elaborate prompts
  • Easy-to-use interface with a long-form editor and dark mode
  • Due to a Chrome plugin, some of your favorite software, such as the WordPress editor and emails, now have the ability to use AI capability.
  • Semrush connection for blog idea and blog outline templates to receive precise keyword research recommendations

Best for:

It’s difficult to fathom a person who wouldn’t profit from Rytr’s AI writing platform given that over 5.5 million writers currently use it. This is a good place to begin if you have not utilized an AI tool because it offers free plans and has the least expensive subscription plan of all the tools on this list. 

Anybody hoping to increase their writing output using AI should use it. Rytr is a crucial tool for any writer trying to increase productivity and optimize their workflow, whether they are a freelancer, small business owner, or a member of a bigger team. 

Pricing: Free plan is offered with its starting plan, which costs just $9 per month! 


Jasper is another incredibly well-liked AI writing tool that was formerly known as Jarvis. Among the most potent AI tools for writing long-form content, SEO content, blog articles, sales emails, and other types of content may be found there. Additionally, it offers conferences, training programmes, and courses centered on its feature set that are well-liked by AI users. 

One of the more well-known companies, Jasper, is renowned for continuously improving its top-tier AI products. Jasper is designed for our more involved activities. Jasper creates high-quality generative content with a tonne of capabilities that make the system as a whole shine. 

Key Features of Jasper: 

  • Integrates with other powerful tools like Surfer SEO, Chrome extension, and Grammarly
  • Incredible documentation, support, and training made by the company
  • AI-generated art included with each plan
  • “Boss Mode” and business plans for greater output and collaboration across teams
  • It has access to the internet, so it can write on news that happened this morning

Best For Businesses that have to automate numerous internal processes (including marketing, sales, support, and more) should use Jasper. Although it is reasonably priced, you pay for the editing process and product quality. 

Pricing: Initially $59/month with a brief free trial 

Sudowrite: AI Writing Tools

Sudowrite is a piece of AI writing tool designed specifically for stories and any other content that even hints at a narrative. Rather than focusing more on the individual components of an article of writing than certain other platforms do, it concentrates more on a writing workflow. 

Sudowrite gives you a draft, suggestions, and editing advice, and more tailored toward creative and descriptive writing. 

Key Features of Sudowrite: 

  • “First draft” takes a simple prompt and turns it into 1000 words
  • It provides easy-to-add, attractive recommendations that are auto-completed and pertinent to your context in a toolbar.
  • Using “Describe” to add appealing language, and “Expand” to slow down the pace of writing sections by adding natural content.

Best For: For creative experts in advertising and PR, Sudowrite is excellent. It is also meant for storytellers of all kinds (poems, books, scripts) and delivers.

 Pricing: Beginning at $19 per month for 30,000 words 

WordHero: AI Writing Tools

WordHero is an additional general-purpose AI writing tool that is especially well suited for corporate uses. It made its debut on AppSumo with an infinite lifetime deal and has since established itself. WordHero best suits the on-the-fly creation of material for Word documents, Slack channels, or marketing campaigns.

Although its long-form editor functions well, it might use improved file organization and user experience. WordHero has a committed and devoted user base that frequently offers enhancements that the team takes into account. Therefore, it is likely that the platform will keep getting better. 

Key Features of WordHero: 

  • Templates that AI outputs can be added to its long-form editor or provide immediate results.
  • More proficient in creating blog openings and endings than Rytr
  • Produce as much stuff as you like, according to their acceptable use policy.
  • It shares a first place on our list with over a hundred other languages supported.

Best For WordHero is ideal for those in business or marketing, just like Rytr and the other apps on this list. In addition to producing quality blog section material, it also produces quality copywriting frameworks and product descriptions. It’s good if this is the sole piece of AI authoring software you want to incorporate into your workflow because it does not yet have any sophisticated connections.

 Pricing: Starting at $49/month

Article Forge: AI Writing Tools

Article Forge is an AI writing tool designed for producing long-form content. Enter a keyword, choose some fundamental options like length, and Article Forge will generate a brand-new piece of text. The strength of Article Forge is in its capacity to produce a large volume of material at once. 

This is also a sticking point because it puts more on people to read, revise, and verify what the AI-generated. However, it’s an appreciated change of speed from other AI tools that let you finish building content pieces one at a time. 

Key Features of Article Forge: 

  • Generate high-quality, long-form content with a single click
  • Built-in SEO optimization
  • Automatically creates content and content headings that naturally flow
  • Content guaranteed to pass copy-scape

Best For: The optimum use of Article Forge is for larger content businesses that want to significantly enhance their editorial production. Excellent for quickly producing supporting content (clusters). Correctly editing and fact-checking the output still requires development. All of the main review websites give it good ratings, which indicates that they are performing something correctly. 

Pricing: Starting as low as $27/mo


ClosersCopy is a well-known general-purpose and marketing AI content writer in the industry. With its long-form editor, it excels at creating blog content but additionally specializes in writing sales and marketing copy. 

There are additional opportunities and use cases for employing AI to write specialized content as a result of ClosersCopy’s capability to design and distribute frameworks. Frameworks specifically instruct ClosersCopy AI to carry out a certain writing assignment (things like writing AIDA copy or a product summary). 

Many AI writing tools only let consumers utilize the frameworks (also known as use cases or patterns) that the platform has formally provided. Users have control over whether or not to share their best frameworks with others via ClosersCopy. It has combined its AI tools into a special pricing structure that many people may find appealing.

 Key Features of ClosersCopy: 

  • 700+ Frameworks (including community-submitted Frameworks
  • Workflows combine CloserCopy Frameworks to produce a single generating output (ex., Blog Title -> Blog Outline -> Blog Introduction -> Blog Conclusion, all in a single Workflow)

Best For: For salespeople and marketers who require top-notch sales copy, ClosersCopy is the finest option. Bloggers and affiliate marketers also receive major advantages from using this software. Rytr, which offers less functionality but is significantly more reasonable, is a choice for people seeking a more reasonable solution. 

Pricing: Starting at $49.99/mo 


Copy.ai is a well-known (with over 6 million users) AI content creator designed specifically for generating AI blog articles, social media posts, and email marketing copy. For experts in sales and marketing, it provides cutting-edge connections and tools. 

AI can significantly increase an individual’s or team’s performance for specific tasks. For instance, its API for Linkedin can extract prospect information from a CRM or their Linkedin profile to help build a bespoke cold-outreach message written using copywriting principles and personalized.

 Key Features of Copy.ai: 

  • For extremely successful cold promotion, API links with CRMs, LinkedIn, and other sales/marketing tools.
  • Chat by Copy.ai is a ChatGPT-like chat platform with a prompt library that is designed for jobs related to marketing and selling.
  • Pricing based outcome on the amount of AI generations rather than the quantity of words or characters, and it provides numerous generations for each output, setting it apart from other AI authors.

Best For: Whether they work in a group or not, salesmen and marketers benefit most from copy.ai. The Pro package, which offers limitless words, unlimited projects, and a maximum of 5 user seats, is advantageous for teams. 

Pricing: The free version with Pro is available for $49 per month. 


Frase.io is an effective AI writing tool that can support you throughout the entire article production procedure. Through researching the subject to writing and editing your content, it can assist you in producing excellent material that will interest and inform your audience. 

Frase.io can assist you in taking your material to the highest possible level if you’re a blogger, content marketer, or simply a person who wants to write better content. Businesses can easily and rapidly produce high-quality content via Frase’s cutting-edge AI technology. 

The text is also optimized for search engines thanks to sophisticated SEO tools. Frase analyses published information and offer useful, AI-generated recommendations for the following stages, saving crucial time. 

Key Features of Frase: 

  • The long-form editor allows you to create material or at any time allow AI to take control
  • Utilise the topic model NPL to improve your content’s SEO

Best For: For content marketers or groups that need their content to rank highly in search engines, Frase.io is the best option. Frase proves especially helpful for huge content sites relying on content decrease alerts without manually reviewing each post every quarter, as every plan offers a GSC connection. 

Pricing: Begins at $14.99 per month, with a pro-add-on costing $35 per month for any plan. 


Writesonic is a writing AI tool that offers a wide range of capabilities on its platform. While GPT 4 can drive its commercial packages, its free plan only grants access to its optimized GPT 3.5 platform for 10,000 words. Additionally, Writesonic offers its customers cutting-edge products like Photosonic and ChatSonic that give them access to even greater AI-powered capabilities. 

Consumers may easily and rapidly create high-quality written content thanks to Writesonic’s cutting-edge AI technology. The platform also has a number of sophisticated editing tools that let users flawlessly polish their work. 

Key Features of Writesonic: 

  • AI copywriting tools for creating blog posts, landing pages, and more with 100+ templates
  • Collaborative editor (SonicEditor) that lets multiple team members jump in and spruce up a text
  • The landing page copy generator can also code out static landing pages along with the copy
  • Integrates with Surfer SEO and Zapier

Best For: With AI capabilities for many writing jobs, Writesonic is a comprehensive platform for content writers and marketers. Anyone in require of generative AI material, pictures, or chat interfaces would probably profit from the platform given its rapid speed of invention. Among of the finest free plans available are general-purpose AI writing websites. 

Pricing: A free package with discounted premium subscriptions beginning at $19/month for students and nonprofits 

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is the top writing AI that can assist in your number-one Google ranking. Looking at the pages that rank highest for the keywords you want to target and then providing advice on how to improve your content accomplishes this. You can increase your probability of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) by doing this, which can save you a tonne of time and work.  

The fact that a lot of additional AI writers are working directly with Surfer may have caught your eye; this is proof of what Surfer SEO can achieve for both of your websites. Businesses can easily and swiftly optimize their online content for search engines using Surfer SEO’s cutting-edge AI technology. 

The platform offers a number of sophisticated SEO analysis tools, suggestions for content optimization, and competitive analysis tools to assist businesses in enhancing their online presence. 

Key Features of Surfer SEO: 

  • It gives you a content score based on SERP analysis, natural language processing, word count, # of images, and other key ranking factors
  • Plagiarism checker helps your site avoid ranking penalties that can sink the party before you arrive
  • Grow Flow integrates with GSC to serve as a content manager, assigning duties and making recommendations to ensure that your material silently climbs to the highest level of the SERPs.

Best For: The preferred AI and NPL tool for SEO content writing at the moment is Surfer SEO. You should probably couple Surfer with an experienced AI writer like Rytr or Jasper. The ideal complement to these excellent technologies, Surfer SEO keeps your AI content in good standing with Google and other search engines. 

Pricing: $59/mo


Scalenut is yet another exceptional AI writing tool developed especially for SEO and content marketing. It accomplishes this by examining the pages that rank highest for the keywords you want to target and then provides advice on how to improve your content. 

Utilizing Scalenut, businesses may automate the whole content lifecycle including planning, keyword research, writing, and optimisation. This is excellent for decreasing the workload on employees and enhancing the overall effectiveness while retaining your staff. It may perform this for a single article or a whole group for a fully content strategy that develops authoritative status.

Key Features of Scalenut: 

  • Analyzes audience search intent and competitor articles in SERPs to find the best plan for each piece
  • AI-guided writing with real-time optimization, SERP stats, and content scoring
  • 40+ Marketing task templates for creating product descriptions to newsletter emails

Best For Businesses wishing to quickly produce content at scale in order to establish topical authority and begin dominating the SERPs should use Scalenut. Although there are less integrations, Surfer SEO’s pricing for SEO material is lower. With a lot of AI content generation skills, it can be utilized independently.

Pricing: Basic package for 100,000 AI-generated phrases beginning at $39 per month 

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